Monday, December 17, 2007

That time

Its that time of year again, and I have been falling slowly apart so it has good timing.

Whether you believe in New Years resolutions or not, its a good time of year to re-evaluate how things went, what you need to change about your life, what you will prioritise next year. I like to goal set all year round (I don't always actually do it, but I like to think about it), but New Years is a new start for me to let go of the things that haven't worked out and look at things from the zoomed out perspective rather than the day to day perspective that I usually use. I am hopeing to further post about what I come up with, but the holiday season is often a busy one for me, so I can't actually promise anything.

Perhaps my resolutions should include finding some way to stay in touch better, and probably also to post more often... I have been slack this year. Once per week isn't a bad goal... I will think about it :)

If I don't post again before hand, I hope everyone has a merry christmas, a happy new year, and a restful break.

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