Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Best movie of all time.
See it.
Better yet, come by my place and watch it. Then, once you realise that you love it, allow me to subject you to the tv series that it came from. You wont regret it.
Serenity. Firefly.
"Can't stop the signal"

Thursday, May 11, 2006


First, because I do not see the point of making friends with her knowing that she will be gone again in 3 years time and the being friends with her will complicate that.

Second, because I do not want to hurt my friend, and I think it would hurt her.

Third, because I do not wish Him to think that I condone the way that he treats people. I will not just pretend that everything is ok.

I write this done so that all those people that think I am obtuse and confusing and flighty could see if they knew where to look that my "emotional decisions" are well thought out and logical.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lack of a fairy godmother.

I wish.

I wish that I could not see. So I would not see the sorrow of others. He ends his relationship. He meets another girl, loves her all consuming. Then he decides he does not love her. He ends the relationship. He meets another girl. Would it help if I said - you should expect this from him, he did it to the one before you, he does it to you, he will do it to the one who follow you. He is a serial killer of hearts, it is his MO (modus operandi - way of doing things). Would it help her to know that he will be empty all his life, for he does not know what love is, does not recognise it, does not know that it is more than a feeling in his gut? She is still hurting. And he does not know what pain is, the pain of a love spurned by one who is ignorant of the extent of feeling. She feels at the edges, fully and freely, she knows complete joy and deepest sorrow, the searing pain and the soothing calmness. He knows nothing of this, he is passionless, he is ever at the emotionless middle.

He thinks that we shall be friends forever. He cannot fathom the contempt I feel for him over the agony he thoughtlessly plasters over the innocent faces of the strangers that I come to love.

I wish that I could not see. So I could not see him running in circles as a dog chasing his tail, and savagely tearing at the gentle hearts that reach to help him. So I could not see how she will stand tall, and walk on, bleeding and believing that she is dead inside but still walking. So I could not see how I have come to love and failed so miserably to help this proud little warrior.

I see that you are broken.
It has been done again,
He goes inside and tears you to pieces.

I am sorry.
I could no more stop it than the tide.

I can not heal you;
You wished for this.
And I;
Have no more duct tape.

I wish that I had written this about the afforementioned situation. It kills me that He is not the first of my friends that I have shed like a dying skin for the pain they inflict on others. That is the saddest part. Now I must choose a path, and no path that I can see is without blood or tear shed. Some one will hurt here. Even my inaction is not an easy option. None of this would have happened if He had a thought for the people around Him.

Do you think its unfair to ask someone to become a different person?