Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Hey all

Christmas has come late to me this year, its boxing day and I still don't really feel it.

I guess it will hit me Christmas day, or boxing day... I hope it hits soon, I am back to work on the 27th. No rest for the wicked they say.

Still, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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Dandelion said...

Here is Dandelion's seasonal greeting - Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!

Anonymous said...

RRRggghhhhh! I hate how the new blogger loses whatever comments you write as you try to sign in and post, and you have to start again!

Anyway, what I said went something like this:

Merry summer Christmas

I'm working on Xmas day this year blah blah, Xmas not a public holiday here blah blah, but I get 6 consecutive days over New Years so it's all good.

Enjoy your Xmas and boxing day!


p.s. I just read The Princess Bride, the abridged version that was made into the movie. Have you ever read it before? It's brilliant.

Starcryer said...

I have not read it, though I have wanted too. I saw the book once, I think I didn't have the money to buy it at the time. Having heard that I will make more of an effort to get my hands on it.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, you may wonder why so late, but I feel time has very little meaning, mostly it is a construct to help us achieve a sense of normalcy. Some people don't cope well with normal though.