Sunday, July 29, 2007


I am feeling... strange, disjointed, childish. I want to say so many things, and yet I don't know what I want to say.

When we were children
my sister and I
Our uncle told us that he had a dinosaur
In his bedroom
In his closet
And every morning for breakfast, he fed it
Seventeen Sausages
Eight eggs
Bushels of bacon
It was always a little bit hungry

So we went down the hall
Past his door
At a run

I didn't really believe him
Dinosaurs are very big
Much too big to fit in a closet.
It probably lived under the house
And came up through a hole in his closet
Just to get breakfast.

When we were older
My sister and I
Our uncle told us that he was going overseas
On a plane
And that gran would feed the dinosaur, its
Seventeen sausages
Eight eggs
Bushels of bacon
He was worried that some days she might forget

And one boring, rain swept day
We went looking for it
The dinosaur
And in that closet there were
and a gun
But not a dinosaur in sight
Then we looked under the house too
No dinosaur

Our uncle lied to us
My sister and I
And to this day we wonder
How he got such a big dinosaur into his suitcase.

*edited for simplicity

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