Monday, July 20, 2009

Question of the day

How do you tell someone that you have enjoyed their friendship, and that you have always thought they were awesome, but that they have changed?
How do you say that you were prepared to deal with it for a while, but that you are sick of being used now, and sick of them pretending?
How do you convey that you love a person, but their behaviour just hurts, and that you would love to be a part of their life, but not like this?
How do you let them know that they always said they would never be like this, but now they are like this and that as important as they are to you, maybe they need to get this out of their system or be this person and that maybe you need to not be around while they work it all out?
How do you make it clear that things will not be as they were before, because things were that way because of the way they behaved and they behave differently now so now things are different?

And if you to manage to get all that out... do you think the person would listen? do you think they would understand? do you think they would get it? do you think that anything would change? do you think it could be done without hurting them?
or do you think that the person would never speak to you again?

Sometimes people are too hard. This is why I like cats. They don't adore you for ages, and then suddenly inexplicably just talk to you often enough to say that they aren't ignoring you and maintain that nothing has changed.


Hiroshi Sato said...

I agree, cats are the perfect peoples....

Also are you implying you et talked to by mysterious object of your entry? X( now I am even more upset at my lowly status...

Time to hitch up my skirt...

Starcryer said...

I do get talked to by the mysterious object of my entry...
which by extension infers that it is not the illusive mutual aquaintance that doesn't talk to anyone :) I also don't manage to hitch my skirt high enough for that particular honour.

Hiroshi Sato said...

my bad for wrong assumptions then...