Saturday, September 12, 2009


breeding larvae
disease resistance
predator deterance
AND... ?? I need one more

"This years love it better last, heaven knows its high time."

To explain the mathematics of inbreeding depression and genetic rescue or not, that is the question.

Have I gone into enough detail about the problems with genetic rescue?

They say that you have to choose between what is right and what is easy... I must be right, cause SHE is EASY.

oh god, I hope the information for the presentation is quick to find, because I haven't started and I dont' really have time for it. I think I can manage. I think I can.

"She had excuses and she chose to use them"... ... "I don't predict the future, I don't care about the past."

mmmmmmmmmmmmm Pizza

Type, type, type, type, type, type.

"Are you scared of your own sin?"

Nervous, which is dumb. Hopeful, which is also silly.

"To live when you think you are dying, to love when you feel like crying, to stand when you think you are going to fall, its just fear after all."

*edited to quote other peoples voices*


Hiroshi Sato said...

Do your essay!!

Unknown said...

"To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, and to run where the brave dare not go"

You can do it, and tomorrow you'll meet another foe.

*previous comment removed due to hideous typos.