Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ok, so the thing is...

I knew, when I decided to undertake postgrad study, that I was giving up a lot.
I signed up for not having a life, not seeing my friends, not having free time that wasn't accounted for, not playing the games I enjoy, not having time to get in contact with the people I love, not having the time I want to spend on recreational pursuits, not sleeping, not having time to read for enjoyment and not having any money. I knew all that. And I willingly signed up for it. I was happy with that trade, and I thought the prize was worth the cost. I put my name on the dotted line in blood.


I went through that contract 3 times over, with a fine toothed comb... so fine toothed FLOUR can't get through this thing. And not once, NOT ONCE, did it say any damn thing about me having to give up Saint Patricks Day.

And nothing but strong language will suffice here.
Language too strong to type.
Language that can only be drowned in a glass of guinness.
There will be hell to pay for this, and I will be taking it out on the only thing I can - My liver. Liver, come Friday, you better forget you never knew what water was.

Ahhhh, yeah, so, Happy St Pattys to the rest of you lucky sods.


aurora said...

I am sick so I also miss out on St Patricks Day. In fact, I have spent most of it asleep on the lazy-boy in the lounge and feeling like shit :(

So I do feel your pain.

And also, my liver shall try to make up for it / be punished for my loss over the weekend :)

p.s. st pats days just arent the same without you

Starcryer said...

why thank you sweetie. They aren't the same without you either... No one else is as prepared to put up with me trying to turn their hair green as you (and Eve) were.

Supertragic, all my green stuff is in storage this year too :( I wore my guinness t you got me :D

Hiroshi Sato said...

I refused my irish heritage this year too... but i suppose i do that most years :p